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Mobile Solutions for Oil and Gas Industry

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By the end of 2018, Oil & Gas companies are set to invest around $16 Billion on mobile apps along with $180 Billion on Enterprise Mobile Applications. According to many Oil & Gas company CIOs, IT directors, mobile technology is the #1 priority for them in 2017. 67% of the CIOs believe that mobile technology will greatly enhance operations, but only 18% have implemented mobility strategy. Many Oil & Gas business owners have understood the importance of mobile apps, but they failed to build strategies to achieve it. Oil & Gas enterprises have a huge opportunity to transform their operation processes with the use of mobile solutions. Enterprise Mobility can help them improve communication and collaboration among units & teams.

Global energy market forces are predicting that Oil & Gas consumers increasingly look to grow newer & better streams of revenues, optimized operational cost and enhanced ways to become environment-friendly. This requires deeper investments in technology for enabling real time visibility into discovery, extraction & delivery operations which in turn ensures compliance and a much better overall productivity.

Oil and Gas companies are leveraging mobile technologies to accelerate business growth, overcome traditional ways of communication, obtain real-time visibility across business vertical, and close the loop in the field with timely, accurate data. Industry leaders are deploying mobile apps to transform their businesses upstream, midstream, and downstream.

Here are few advantages of implementing mobile solutions in the Oil and Gas industry;


As heavy machinery are being used in the industry, there are times, when many kinds of breakdown happen and which disturb the work process. Even assets do call for maintenance or trouble-shoot which interrupt the workflow. Mobile apps are helping to maximize the up-time of your work. So, the productivity increases.

Workers using mobiles can turn in the applications for quick response to the issues or can take preventive measures to stop the downtime before it takes place or disrupts the whole process. Mobile Applications can help Businesses out in maximizing up-time.

Real-time Data Capture

In Oil & Gas organizations, there are field managers, and geologists working in the field and there are a number of environmental elements which affect them. It is not always feasible to carry a notebook or laptop to record information.

Mobile solutions make it easy to capture quick and accurate data from the field. With a mobile phone or tablet, people in the field can get real-time information and spend more time doing other parts of their job which reduces downtime. Employees can also organize and review information better with a mobile device instead of trying to decipher notes written from the field.

The Appeal for Mobile Devices for Oil and Gas professionals lies in the nature of the industry, whose workers regularly have to work in the field and away from any computers and other teams.

Improve Safety

Mobile technology is used in remote pipeline inspections, locations tracking, data capture, environmental assessments, monitoring refinery equipment, and many other areas. The technology helps workers to easily collect data, review and evaluate situations in real-time and take immediate corrective actions where needed.

Real-time Data Monitoring

Where data was once entered by hand and transmitted for evaluation, mobile apps allow real-time data capture, analysis and response. An example is the management of water resources in hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Mobile apps are being used to track water’s movement and monitor residual waste streams, offering both safety and environmental benefits.


Enhanced Decision Making

With mobility solutions, business decision makers can get the most relevant information. After analysing everything by its severity and proximity, they can prioritize tasks better. An app can give you an opportunity to focus on your improvement areas and at the end it will increase worker productivity and efficiency.

IoT Applications

Valuable information is always an asset for formulating business strategies. With the use of information & working around your data, you can drive your production into a new and different direction. IoT Applications in Oil & Gas industry can manage automated systems, supply chain, inventory and customer relationship with the help of information technology. By an integrated deployment strategy O&G companies who are looking for IoT technology, can add a lot of value to their production.

Types of Mobile App for Oil & Gas Industry

There are different types of apps which can be developed for O&G industry, depending on the specific requirement.


Health & Safety Apps

Mobile apps can be used to ensure all health and safety issues are being recorded and addressed. Field workers can report any safety issues directly by using the app with the help of videos, images. This can be shared with the relevant team & can be resolved quickly. This app can also contain basic health and safety policies and guide.

Disaster Recovery Apps

An app with a backup data, business information, contact details etc. is very useful. In the case of emergency situations or disasters, a handy app can be used to retrieve all data. The app could also come with a list of the regulations in place for emergency situations, as well as response plans to help employees move forward and respond accordingly.

Project Management Apps

A project management app can be developed for Oil and Gas industry to make business operations and field activities smoother and more effective. Employees can track everyday operations and costs by use of this app. Field executives can update information related to their activities and anyone can check the latest updates anytime. This can make sure the entire system is in a line & work collaboratively.

Communications Apps

Internal communications apps are always the best way to ensure your employees working in the field can connect with each other irrespective of their location. These apps can also be used to enable instant communication between workers without email complications. Video conferencing, document sharing, report sharing can be done with a tap of a finger.

Reporting Apps

A reporting app is required to collect and update data daily and create custom reports for higher-level management. A reporting app can easily record information and then it can be instantly saved in a database or used as a part of custom reports. All information can be automatically synced and stored in an online platform fully secure. This can offer an advantage as compared to manual reporting systems.

Approach Us!

Mobile apps are revolutionising the industry and bringing great transformations to the way, Oil and Gas companies work, communicate and report. Mobile apps are not only helping to increase productivity, but also help in implementing new approaches add ways to work. Beside this, few other benefits are to capture data, real-time information, geolocation, collaboration, and better decision-making. Combining all of these benefits will lead to higher ROI.

Apogaeis understands the importance of app technology in the automation process. O&G industry contributes high in economic growth and creates more business opportunities in the process. To improve the safety and efficiency of operations, you need to invest in mobility services which will impact the workflow. Our talented team can build an app to make your business a high-performance unit. Contact Us today to avail latest offers.

ALSO READ: “Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2017”

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